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Grand Piano

Concert Performances

Find Your Voice: The Music of Georgia Stitt

Find Your Voice: The Music of Georgia Stitt

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Find Your Voice:

The Music of Georgia Stitt

This concert was performed in the Fall semester of 2021 and featured music by Georgia Stitt. She led in-person workshops for her music at the university as part of the rehearsal process. The musical theatre students performed more than 30 of her songs. Levi arranged vocals for the finale.

The Music of Marcy Heisler and Zina Goldrich

In Fall of 2020, AU put on two concerts of different varieties of this songwriting duo's repertoire: "Showbiz and Fairy Tales" and "Love Has Strings". With the collaboration of the artists, we performed more than 4o songs from their oeuvre. Due to some technical difficulties, much of the audio from these concerts is difficult to hear or missing. Work is being done to restore these. This video contains highlights form those concerts.

© 2023 Levi Burke

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